Yeah -- well I know of cases where folks were stalked, others received
threatening phone calls, etc.
One YL here received dozens of obscene phone calls after her number was
posted on the web. Had to change her phone number.
Oh yeah you can take legal recourse if you wish and want to spend the time,
money, and agony --- "forget it" as they say in New York and remain ANON on
a wide open forum, say I.
Maybe not in Berlin but happens here in USA.
Sad but true.
ANON out of necessity -- as I have been attacked by the nuts big time (long
Elmer in Nevada
"Peter Lemken" wrote in message
Old DXer Old wrote:
Jackie is correct. Whether male or female, posting your name, callsign,
e-mail address is an invitation to real harassment by the nuts.
Peter Lemken