Thanks much - I've tried the JH3RRA direct and bureau routes for the
7Q7XX card. For 9D5CW, PY2CWW isn't listed in QRZ.COM, and one of the ON
QSL manager listings says that PY2CWW is not a good route.
Still looking for some good routes so I can add to my "Postcard
Thanks again and 73,
Ham Dat Am wrote:
Larry for 7Q7XX -- see URL:
QSL Side 1 and side 2
For 9D5CW see URL:
"Larry Johnson" wrote in message
I'm trying to find routes for QSLs for 7Q7XX and 9D5CW for QSOs in 1993.
For 7Q7XX, W7GB is not a manager for any station, and neither JH3RRA nor
JG3LZG who were listed as managers have an address on
For 9D5CW, a direct address of POB 24754-154 in Tehran gets returned
with the Post Office rubber stamp saying "P. O. Box is mistake", and a
listing of PY2CWW for a manager gives nothing in
If anyone has any other ideas for these two stations, such as home calls
of the operators, please let me know.