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Old February 17th 06, 12:23 PM posted to
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Default bs or everyone is entitled to an opinion

On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 06:00:07 -0500, "Whiny Wogie Skidmark"
Woger@Glendale wrote:

Shove your illiterate, mental retard coments up your pajamas, Mark. I can
run mental rings around you and any of the ******* kids you and that Iraqi
woman gave birth to.

Iraqi woman?

and if I have (or hopefully you mean my wife) have any kids this in
news to us

You are not overly bright, Mark. In fact, at the risk of hurting your
feelings, you are extremely stupid.

evryone is entitled to an opinion

Get it, Mark? STUPID in capital letters. Bold letters.

I clearly read you the first time

that you feel the need to repat yourself whows you uncertainly in your
own position

You and that insipid little dwarf in West Virginia are two peas in the same
pod. Both of you are mental midgets.

I asusme by this remark (taking a risk I know)you don't like my
usgestion that cataloging spelling error in a forum where the comon
"subject" is calling people of being child molestors
It is easy t0 understand why the two of you are so alike since stupidity
begets stupidity.

Roger lives on a postage stamp lot that were it not for a Legal
Non-Conforming status, he could not so much as pitch a tent.


You two are pees in a pod. Losers both.

Like I have said you entitled to an opinion as am I what you and Mr
Slit and Steve refuse to accept that so do I

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