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Old February 17th 06, 09:19 PM posted to
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Default More Markie Mularkie..And The Feeble Five Keep On Flailing About! Brain's Bountiful Bovine Bowel Bombs Abound!

From: on Thurs, Feb 16 2006 4:03 pm

K4YZ wrote:

More Robeson forgeries.


K4YZ wrote:
On 14 Feb 2006 16:21:17 -0800, wrote:

Forging attributes again, Steve? Once a forger, always a forger.

Nope. Just putting your filth in perspective, Brain.

More Robeson lies.

And once a liar, always a liar. You just don't know when to quit.

All he does is call others nasty names such as "liar."


One that feigns disgust and anger at NG flamefests, and the other
one that just spits more fuel on the fire.

I especially liked the one where you agreed to abide by a forged
apology. Hi!

I'm still waiting (years later) for him to present ANY tangible
proof on his USMC "career" and his "seven hostile actions."

The remainder of his newsgroup output is merely name-calling
against anyone who disagrees with him.

Only when I know that the likes of you and Morkie are allowed to
be in their presence without a chaparone

Really? Why do you say that?

[it's spelled either "chaperon" or "chaperone"]

His "technique" in here is to insult others, make them
reply in kind, then to feign "insult" or "outrage" to himself
as if he is a "victim."

I got a chance to attend a month long course on critical care.

Wonder why you got picked? I don't.

I don't either. My employer doesn't spend this kind of money on
risky investments.

Hi! Nobody wonders why the cost of healthcare continues to skyrocket
when they waste it on you.

You are playing into his hands, Brian. He hasn't really stated

1. He hasn't identified his "employer."

2. He hasn't stated what that "critical care" is (there are
many kinds with different disciplines).

3. He hasn't stated any dates of this "course" other than it
was supposedly a "month."

Since you've now made that statement as a fact, you'll be so kind
as to provide us with documented cases wherein someone I've trained,
mentored or otherwise provided skills training to has failied to
perform to the trained standard.

Most things with you on RRAP are a lose/lose situation. Why would it
be any different elsewhere unless you were two or more faced???

He's asked leading questions again, and in a negative manner.

He's previous stated that he has (or implied he has) "elmered"
(mentored) "many hams" in achieving their amateur radio license.
Problem is, he has never mentioned their names, callsigns, or
even the approximate number of those he mentored.

It's the same with his claims of USMC active duty or those
infamous "seven hostile actions." All implications, no

Gee, Brain...Don't see your name in the ER at ALL, as patient OR

More of Brain's Bovine Bowel Bombs.

Awww. You gotta call names, Steve?

It's the only style he knows how to use... :-(

You and Morkie accuse me of being the progentiator of the flames,
yet it's as bad as ever, if not worse, with my markedly limited posts
in the last two weeks.

Ergo even more evidence of Feeble Five Falsehoods.

You see what you want to see. Meanwhile, we'd sure appreciate it if
you'd get back to your training. It was most pleasant with you gone.

Not "pleasant." He's given the impetus to all the other anony-
mousies in here to turn the newsgroup into a cesspool of name-
calling and personal insulting. That worked very well.

Nope. It's right there...With all of the ususal profane and
altered subject lines courtesy of Morkie the Molester.

You see what you want to see.

He posts what he wants to post. He sees no fault in himself.
It's everyone else's faults. The rest of the world is a great
big conspiracy against him! :-)

Do you like "fun", Brain? Do you ask your kids if THEY like
"fun"? Do you and your wife have "fun" together?

Always gotta bring the women folk into your degradations.

It may be that he has such a poor family life of his own
that he wants to bring everyone else down to his level?

So much for any more insistence on "putz" being "penis" in this
application. That's YOUR suggestion...NOT mine.


Putz means penis.

In etymological correctness, "Putz" is Yiddish-ethnic meaning
"penis head" as in "one who thinks with his penis." Not a nice
word. Equivalent to "dickhead" in colloquial American speech.

It's difficult to imagine him as associating with any Yiddish,
yet he uses a Yiddish pejorative as if it were "familiar" to
him. [he should walk up to a JDL member and call him "putz"
to see what kind of reaction results...]

The word "putz" has four letters, as do the "four-letter
Anglo-Saxon" pejoratives. Because there are so few in here
familiar with Yiddish, he thinks he can get away with using a
"strange" four-letter word? :-)

Major Dud is still angry, still insulting others (who don't
agree with him), and pretending to be something he isn't.
Life is normal.