ctrl connector Mil-C-26482
15 pins arrangement 14-15
see Page 11 at :
gnd pulse on control position
- latch new position
- close indicator contact
- and reset previous position and indicator
I have a lot of such switch from different manufacturers
many use same wiring style
1st pin is for dc supply
next are for gnd ctrl
and next for indicators
73 Jeff F6AOJ
Originally Posted by Joe Curry
I have just come into possession of a Loral RF switch. It is a SP3T variety
with N-connectors. It also has a make MIL circular connector (14-15) for the
power and indicator connections.
The part number is 9033-D239-D2D-7A2.
I have Googled ad nauseum without results. Does anyone have any information
on the wiring connections and/or the specs?
Thanks for your help and 73,