Federal Government Kudos for MARS and Amateur Radio
K4YZ wrote:
Amateur Radio's Role Gets Favorable Mention in Post-Katrina Report
NEWINGTON, CT, Feb 17, 2006--The Amateur Radio Emergency Service
(ARES), the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) and the HF digital
e-mail system Winlink 2000 all got positive mentions in a post-Katrina
report from the US House of Representatives. US Rep Tom Davis (R-VA)
chaired the panel. References to ARES, MARS and Winlink appear in "A
Failure of Initiative"--the final report of the Select Bipartisan
Committee to investigate the preparation for and response to Hurricane
"Like all levels of government," the 364-page report notes, the
National Communication System (NCS), "was not able to address all
aspects of the damage to the communications infrastructure of the Gulf
of course they did
but at least you tried posting on radio for a change
I wonder if you will premit any discusion of the subject
nothing viods the basic premise that TI and other have said for years
the over all Katrina reponse was in negitive numbers
the ARS response was beter by comparision a 2 or 3. and given the
colapse in many of real governemtn and society likely could never have
been beter than roughly a 5
But all the deetails show we could have done better, but no discusiion
of this is premitted
Nature placed the ARS where we basicaly had to look good relitively, we
were playing laong the keystone cops, hell Fox News did a better job of
helping Katrina victums than the offical response