radio mart scum at it again
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February 20th 06, 04:22 PM posted to
m II
Posts: n/a
radio mart scum at it again
Are my old World War Two era head phones rare? I dont think so.Is my
1978 Dodge van an antique although I have an Antique Truck license plate
on there,is my 1914 T model Ford car an Antique,my 1942 Jeep,my 1948
Jeep,my 1971 Chevrolet van,my 1976 Chevrolet van,my 1982 Ford van,my
1961 Hercules Moped,my 1986 Ford car? They are not Antiques,an Antique
has to be 100 years old or older to be considered an Antique.
Different things have different age requirements to be antiques. Most,
if not all of your vehicles are now antiques. The hundred year age
applies only to certain things. Kinda makes you feel like a fossil,
don't it?
I wonder what my old Gestetner is worth. No, dxFMAO, it's NOT a German
machine gun.
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