On 21 Feb 2006 01:10:48 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
more forgery
K4YZ wrote:
Amateur Radio's Role Gets Favorable Mention in Post-Katrina Report
NEWINGTON, CT, Feb 17, 2006--The Amateur Radio Emergency Service
(ARES), the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) and the HF digital
e-mail system Winlink 2000 all got positive mentions in a post-Katrina
report from the US House of Representatives. US Rep Tom Davis (R-VA)
chaired the panel. References to ARES, MARS and Winlink appear in "A
Failure of Initiative"--the final report of the Select Bipartisan
Committee to investigate the preparation for and response to Hurricane
"Like all levels of government," the 364-page report notes, the
National Communication System (NCS), "was not able to address all
aspects of the damage to the communications infrastructure of the Gulf
of course they did
but at least you tried posting on radio for a change
Slap yourself in the face for being two-faced again, Mork.
been trying to "read" the past two weeks going's-on here, and I'll be
darned if I see anything that's "radio" from you.
then you just can't read
and a thread I started but you and your allies hijacked by you are
obessed by spelling issues
I wonder if you will premit any discusion of the subject
Since you made it adversarial in only two sentences, I think the
question belongs in YOUR lap, Mork, not mine
more of the lie and lie somemore
you were trolling I decide to bite
nothing viods the basic premise that TI and other have said for years
What? TI? What's a viod?
you don't know
then shove it or not as you like
the over all Katrina reponse was in negitive numbers
Not as far as Amateur Radio, MARS or SHARES goes it isn't, Mork.
That's what the peice I quoted was addressing...Nothing else.
then you just lied again
the ARS response was beter by comparision a 2 or 3. and given the
colapse in many of real governemtn and society likely could never have
been beter than roughly a 5
But all the deetails show we could have done better...(SNIP)
There's always "better". Even God tried to wipe the slate clean
and try again. Why should mortals be any different?
not according to You and Dan
since anything that sugests a problem is at once labeled anti ARS
(UNSNIP)...but no discusiion of this is premitted
Who said so?
you did
Nature placed the ARS where we basicaly had to look good relitively, we
were playing laong the keystone cops, hell Fox News did a better job of
helping Katrina victums than the offical response
Somewhere in there was a "thought", but I wonder what it
was....Work on that English composition, Mork!
you are not interested in any idea that I compose
why should I strian for you
other did get the message correctly but you can't be bothered
and so you finish the job
So far, there's not been one word of criticism for the response by
ARES, MARS, SHARES, etc other than "why can't we got more guys like
you".... Even CAP's deployment of ALE-enabled HF systems got gold
more lies quoteing the seconds paragraph in its entierity
"Like all levels of government," the 364-page report notes,
National Communication System (NCS), "was not able to address all
aspects of the damage to the communications infrastructure of the Gulf
to me that looks like critism but then I was issued Rose coloured
So other than refering to FEMA or the State of Louisiana agencies,
just WHO were YOU talking about? The day was certainly carried by
volunteers, that's for sure.
I am refering to what it which i don't don't spin out as kindly as you
choose to
Steve, K4YZ
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