The Great Strip-X Substitute Hunt, Part 2
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February 23rd 06, 05:48 AM posted to
Tim Wescott
Posts: n/a
The Great Strip-X Substitute Hunt, Part 2
From: Tim Wescott on Wed, Feb 22 2006 7:58 am
When winding toroids by hand without a toroid-winder or
its fancy winding bobbin, there's lots of flexure on the
ends of the fine copper wire from all the threading-through
the hole. Copper is maleable, but there are metal-fatigue
limits even with copper. Using something that scars the
surface, plus the metal-fatigue phenomenon from dozens of
threading movements, makes it easy to damage the ends.
Yes, I've tried fine steel wool in removing enamel from #32
and it is as inferior as perpendicular knife-edge scraping.
Such works okay on #26 or larger where one can afford to
lose some copper in the process.
You can predict wire length well enough to strip it before you wind the
coil? Wow. I always have to wind the coil, cut off the 0 to 4 inch
miscalculation (I always shade it high), then strip.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
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