Thread: Contests ?
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Old September 15th 03, 04:11 AM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Torbjørn Morka" wrote in message
On 7Mhz band i hear many stations having contests. Pitty, but only short
qso's seems possible, and not easy to get trough with only 45watts and a

It si a whole lot easier on the 11m band !
I mean the guys in front of the mic is allways gentle when they hear you.

shame that it seems unlike the "ham's" are the same kind :-(

73' de torbjorn, la6wla
teplace raw with on, for replying...

If you want a long QSO, you need to look for the people who are not
contesting or call CQ so that those who are not contesting can find you.

People in contests are trying to get the maximum number of contacts so they
won't be interested in long QSOs.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE