Interested in _REAL_ Ham Radio? (As opposed to Complete Buffoonery (CB)?) Here's the FAQ for you!
well one day i met a customer who went on holiday in Greece
he picked up the local news paper and was suprised
(so woz i)
it said the following story
the police was driving along a country road
and they saw a man in a field being curious and a beady
eye they stopped and looked and decide to jump over
the fence and arrest a man who was having sex with a donkey
(im not suprised) ( you dont know greek donkeys)
anyway it turns out he was an english man from east london
who was hauled into Court the next day
He haw he haw He haw
anyway the conversation went on about welsh men
now this is ....... ?????
another customer present at the time said he Knew a woman who
worked on a Welsh Farm and this lady actually witnessed some of the
farm workers shagging the sheep, for real
bahhhd baahhhd
well opinions maybe, but when witnessed by others it is what it is
what next, Gay camels,
Transvestite horses
any way the good news about this news group is we have conversations
not some pretend militery operating proceedure.
and i still dont see anyone writing E mails in morse do you ?
anyone disagree just say your readability 5 rig here is XXX QTH is XXX
73eees good bye
that was pointless