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Old September 30th 03, 10:09 AM
Dave, AA6YQ
Posts: n/a

re "easy to integrate LOTW into other log applications" -- where's the
documented, public API?


Dave, AA6YQ

"Peter Lemken" wrote in message
Hank Oredson wrote:
About 6500 log entries, and 20 hits.

But it is simply too complex to use ... they gotta fix that.

I believe they have found a good compromise between security, complexity

ease of use.

I particularly applaud them for providing a working Linux client, together
with the source code. With that, it should be easy to integrate LOTW into
other log applications, either natively or as a plug in.

There is no other way than a digital certificate to positively and

identifiy a participant, but in a couple of years we will all have a

identity and sending in snail mail to verify one's existence will no

be necessary.

Peter Lemken

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