I'll look into the references, thanks.
TR-3 number 2 has fine 10 MHz crystals, which do not work on the top
position of TR-3 number 1. There appears to be some mojo in TR-3 #1.
It's given me a real pain to keep running, but the DX signal reports are
fine. Maybe it got offended when I patched in the DDS-60 to replace the
PTO and crystal mixer?
If I figure out what's going on, I'll post a follow-up...
Steve Reinhardt
Paul P wrote:
"Steve Reinhardt" wrote in message
My searches on the Yahoogroups and elsewhere have left me short of a
complete answer. International Crystal declined my request for quote. ECS
has a serial tuned 9 MHz crystal with 30ppm stability, but I'm not sure I
can pull it in a 20pf parallel circuit.
Anybody got another hint?
How about these guys?
Crystal he http://www.icmfg.com/crystal_hc50u.html
Prices he https://www.icmfg.com/order_crystals.html
Found at: http://www.arrl.org/ads/adlinks.html
I am fighting a Hammarlund HX50 dead and aging crystals and a drake TR-4 10m
(all three
bands) crystal (or something) problems. I'd be interested to hear of your