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Old February 25th 06, 10:18 PM posted to alt.west-virginia,
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Default My personal ad

My dearest fellow underaged child lover,

I am a fan of child pornography and for the past 14 years,I have been
able to gather quite a collection of it. I have pictures, VHS tapes,
posters, audio recordings, and games based on child pornography.

I am selling my products (or trading for other child pornography).
I have a complete color catalog of all products now available. You can
purchase pictures (both normal kodak and computer JPEG's). Also, you
can purchase posters, VHS tapes, used boys underwear, and audio

There are many products and services. Here are some prices:
Complete Color Catalog (160 pages)...........................$5.00
100 Pictures Little boys age 7-12............................$9.95
120 Pictures Little boys age 13-17..........................$11.95
VHS tape, little boys "Bath Time for Uncle Lloyd"...........$49.95
VHS tape, little boys "Happy B-day, Uncle Lloyd"............$49.95
VHS tape, teenage boys "Naked Pizza Party!".................$49.95
Personalized Audio tape......................................$2.99

If you have child pornography, preferably little boys ages 7-9, I will
trade or buy them from you. If they are action shots, of an adult with
a little boy having sex, I am willing to trade big, or pay you a lot.
Please write to me for more details. Thanks.

You can send cash, checks, or money orders made out to FUN WITH
Please send your order to:
Fun With Children c/o Uncle Lloyd
1-256-233-4396 (orders)
1-256-232-3000 (alt. order number)
You can also call in with your credit card numbers, but I can not
accept American Express cards. I also accept Pay Pal. Thanks, and hope
to hear from you.
