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Old February 26th 06, 04:21 AM posted to
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Default jamming on 7205 khz

dxAce wrote:

weatherall wrote:

I was tuning through the 41 meter band when I heard an interesting but
weak signal on 7205 khz. It sounds like spanish, and it is overlaid
with the sound of running water. The running water effect is the same
as the jamming that I hear on Radio Marti frequencies.

Anyone know what this broadcast is? 7205 khz @ 0035 UTC.

Radio Republica, a clandestine broadcast to Cuba, has been using that frequency
in the past few weeks so the jammer may still be hanging out there. (The Cubans
have been slow to move their jammers even if the clandestine has shifted

All I'm hearing here at 0216 is the jammer, but that might just be propagation.

Just checked and I see that Radio Republica is sked on the freq till 0200. And as
I'm typing this, the jammer stopped at 0220.
