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Old February 27th 06, 12:14 AM posted to
running dogg
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Default jamming on 7205 khz

weatherall wrote:

dxAce Wrote:
dxAce wrote:

Radio Republica, a clandestine broadcast to Cuba, has been using that
in the past few weeks so the jammer may still be hanging out there.
(The Cubans have been slow to move their jammers even if the
clandestine has shifted

All I'm hearing here at 0216 is the jammer, but that might just be

Just checked and I see that Radio Republica is sked on the freq till
0200. And as
I'm typing this, the jammer stopped at 0220.


Thanks for the help. I found a Radio Republica page on and now I know there's at least two stations
jammed by Cuba.

It sounded like Radio Havana Cuba was a few minutes slow the other
night. Maybe they need to fix their clocks.

Radio Havana is NEVER on time. Sometimes they'll start the hour five
minutes early, sometimes five minutes late. And it's never predictable,
either, they could be early for a few days, then late for a week. Why
this is is anybody's guess. Maybe it's the laziness that's epidemic in
communist countries. Nothing gets done right, nothing gets done on time,
a lot of it never gets done at all. Everybody has a guaranteed job and
guaranteed pay, so nobody feels the need to perform. I'm sure that
Seeing Eye Dog can provide website links talking about the snuffing out
of initiative under communism.