Thread: Contest QSL
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Old October 6th 03, 08:15 AM
Zoran Brlecic
Posts: n/a


One more newbie question. I worked several contacts with the CA QSO party
last night. With the multiples of contacts being made, is it considered bad
form to send a QSL card?

It is *never* considered a bad form to ask for a QSL. Most people will
reply, especially if you use a direct/SASE method.

Because I'm new, I'm sending out SASE to get some
"starter" cards. With some individuals making hundreds of contacts, I would
imagine QSL requests could be quite an undertaking.

Some of them rationalize their not QSL-ing with this old excuse, yes.
Don't let this stop you.

73 ... WA7AA


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