I want to learn about old test equipment...
There are also books which cover individual peices of test equipment - such
as Oscilloscopes. They can be found on E-Bay for various prices and also at
hamgest and some flea-markets - often for as little as a dime to as much as
say $1 each. Titles such as "101 ways to use an Oscilloscope", 101 ways to
use a Signal Generator", "101 ways to use a VOM"..... there may be one for
the VTVM also, but you'll get the idea........ They give many instances of
I've got a few of them in my reference library from years back. I'm not sure
how deep you want to get into electronics, but an understanding of it would
certainly be a boost. Sad to say - even with a license, today - that isn't
much help. WHY? Because the license manuals today give you the answers to
questions - most people tend to just memorize the answers. The answers given
in the text are often not enough to explain the concept. They don't go into
enough detail to really be of any help. A good electronics text would serve
you better. Just my two cents - and I am an examiner for both Amateur and
Commercial exams.
You've taken a good first step asking here for advice. You'll get lots of
it, but in the end, you'll come away with a vast knowledge of things
compared to what you may have now. Good luck.
"K3HVG" wrote in message
If I recall, there was a book on the basic use of test equipment of the
ilk you're talking about. It may have been a TAB(TM)series book. They
went into scopes, signal generators, tracers, grid-dip meters, and the
like, at a very basic level. If no-joy with that, HP had/has a series of
technical notes that discuss what you're looking for, albeit at maybe a
bit higher level. The HP issuances contain general/generic information,
but as you'd imagine, do reference appropriate HP test sets. Also, there
are books on basic troubleshooting. I'm sure they reference the required
support equipment, too.
zeitguy wrote:
I recently bought a 1935 and a 1959 General Radio equipment catalog. I
am absolutely fascinated by the old test equipment, and want to learn
how it is used, and what it is used for. I have found inexpensive
versions of an impedence bridge and signal tracer to practice on, but
need to start somewhere. Is there a recommended text that can help a
non-engineer get up to speed on these? Something like a technicians
text book that steps through the theory and practice from a pretty
basic level, without going deep into the theory by itself?
All replies appreciated. Thanks.
(Eventually I want to have a radio and electronics hobby workshop, and
get my license.)