Hey, thanks for the compliment. My schematic doesn't have a stringing
diagram, either, so I peeked inside my S-20R and came up with this drawing:
It's designed to print on a single 8.5x11 sheet. (And yes, I know I'm lousy
at drawing :-)
Where it shows "so many turns" for a shaft or pulley, that means wind the
string around the shaft or pulley the indicated number of times.
The strings attach through a little hole in each big pulley.
Obviously, the job will be much easier with the chassis out of the cabinet.
Before you start, clean the shafts and pulleys with rubbing alcohol at the
places where strings will go on them, and make sure the mechanics are
properly lubricated (but don't overdo the oil).
It may look confusing at first, but should make more sense when you begin
Don't be discouraged if it takes more than one try. It's tricky to get a
string exactly the right length and tension, etc., on the first shot. And
nothing is more disheartening to do a perfect job of stringing, only to find
that the dial is moving backward because you reversed something.
If anybody has a source for a factory diagram, I'd love to hear about it.
Phil Nelson
Phil's Old Radios