"helmsman" wrote in message

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:37:48 -0600, Jim
On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:25:55 +0000, helmsman wrote:
Anyone else using one of these and had "sound problems"?
Thanks for your time
Yeah .... I just recently bought a "Rascal GLX Mark V" and have not
it to transmit as of yet. It seems to "hear" pretty well with my sound
card, which is an older Sound Blaster PCI 128. I've tried setting it up
both Linux and Win XP .... same results in both OS's. My tranceiver is a
Yaesu FT-840. May just be that I'm missing the boat somewhere in the
setup, for in all fairness, while monitering PSK31 channels I've seen
several hams that ARE using the Rascal. If you get yours to work please
let me know what yod did to set things up right. By the way....I
understand that BUCK really g
What kind of computer are you using? And have you ever gotten the
"RED" light to come on?
What kind of computer are you using ? If you are feeding a usb port from
the computer and using a converter to go to a rs232 interface, it could be
the interface. Lots of the converters do not work correctly.
Try switching the rig to VOX and letting it key the transmitter.