The Return of Doctor Doom: Chuck Harder returns from outer space
jon wrote:
Greetings! I thought I had heard he was dead. Perhaps I had better
let him know he is alive. I used to listen to him on local FM, but
haven't heard him in quite a while. He was interesting to say the
least. I will check out 12.160 and listen as well. Have a great
weekend! Jon in South Carolina.
Heard Chuck Harder yesterday afternoon at the regular time, and he did
not sound well at all.
I can't stand the guy or his far, far, far, far, far, far, far,
far-Right politics (he makes Pat Buchanan sound like a moderate), but I
do feel sorry for him, in a sense.
His tenacity and pluck are admirable, but I feel he's done his job. He
never really intended to "bring the jobs back to America" (his
oft-stated goal), but he did make millions of listeners think about
things like national sovereignty, trade, manufacturing, the UN,
immigration, and so on.
I hope others can pick up on Harder's nationalism, and tweak it just a
bit so that it's more palatable to the average voter. GOP chairman Ken
Melhman is right: Anger, paranoia, and conspiracy theories don't win
elections (just ask Ross Perot).