I want to learn about old test equipment...
I found a recent Tektronix book on the A-Z of Oscilloscopes which was
written at the appropriate level, but it talked mostly about the new
digital technology. I have HP documents on the digital VOM I found,
which are almost incomprehensible to me. So I know what you mean. I
also have found a lot of value in the older TAB series.
The items I am interested in are pre-IC, for the most part. I want to
see the pieces of the toy I am playing with. The oscilloscope I found
is a Tektronix 585a, with 78 tubes and every single component is hand
soldered on ceramic strips. It seems to work, after I cleaned it up a
bit and learned enough to jump the Cal Out to the input on the dual
trace module to watch the square wave. But it also seems to drop out
or not respond consistently, and I don't know any where near enough to
go beyond watching the cal out trace at the moment. I can't wait to
probe my first radio circuit when I am reasonably sure I know enough to
not get electrocuted.
Thanks for the reply.