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Old March 3rd 06, 04:05 AM posted to,
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a
Default Campain to make Pi reasonable again

tune of troll, troll, troll your boat plays softly in background

Simply because the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its' diameter
is *not* three. A rough approximation is
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 10. I suppose I could go
on as I did memorize it to 110 places during a study hall in high school,
but a google search will turn up the number to a far higher number of
digits, if necessary. Usually 4 or 5 places is sufficient.

Yep, nothing like simplicity. Except that it doesn't work )

The FCC has nothing to do with it. They don't define irrational numbers
such as e, pi, etc.

Try your troll somewhere else )

With all due regards from Rochester, NY

"NO9GL" wrote in message

For long time people like FCC use Pi in ham radio exams and they use
Geneva value of 3.141592653. But why make Pi be such long number?
Why not use 3 and be over it?

Answer is FCC want things complecated to stay in power.

So we in campain to change Pi back to 3 just like Anglican church try
set it in 1700s. Come to web sight and vote to change Pi back to 3.
If work together we can do it.

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