Thread: What's missing?
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Old March 3rd 06, 01:27 AM posted to,
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Default What's missing?

Citizen's Band radio for all practical purposes is dead in the US. There's
several states or areas where it's still fairly active but in the day of
computing and cell phones radio hobbyists are fewer and far between. There
isn't a CB shop within fifty miles of me the closest being a truckstop.
Manufacturers are limited to one or two major players. Amateur radio has
seen the same decline. It's been almost ten years since I had a base
operation reminiscent of the days when I ran Browning Mark III's and four
element vertical beams. I have most of my equipment packed away in their
original boxes including vintage gear including a Viking Valliant and Yesau
101ZD. I've been tempted many times to put them on eBay knowing I'll never
get they're worth. One of these days I may break everything out and put a
vertical or sloped dipole on the house if the wife allows.


"Peter" wrote in message
Over the years, here in the UK, we have lost most CB shops. Very few are
left and it seems that
products are disappearing, as one of our main dealer no longer lists some
of the items that
were listed a couple of years back.

I noticed that certain CB books are no longer listed here, although they
are still in print.
Certain other products are still available, but are simply not listed in
the shop catalogues.
Maybe the companies are selling directly and cheaply on the Net, giving
the dealers no chance
of competing.
But I have heard one person moaning, saying that he would rather get an
illegal copy of a book
than order the real thing from America.

Is there the same problem in America, products disappearing?
What CB products do you wish were still available or were missed by
companies but could have
sold? What do you really wish you could find in the shops?
