Contests ?
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October 13th 03, 12:43 AM
Steve Silverwood
Posts: n/a
In article ,
On 7Mhz band i hear many stations having contests. Pitty, but only short
qso's seems possible, and not easy to get trough with only 45watts and a
It si a whole lot easier on the 11m band !
I mean the guys in front of the mic is allways gentle when they hear you. A
shame that it seems unlike the "ham's" are the same kind :-(
If you're interested in carrying on an extended conversation, you can
always call "CQ Ragchew" on phone, or "CQ RCC" (RCC = Rag Chewers Club)
on CW. During a contest, you might just call CQ and mention that you're
not in the contest and would like a chat. You may still get some
contesters that would like to work you just to get the points for the
contest -- after all, from our point of view in the states you're the
DX. You can also come on about an hour before the contest is due to
end, hand out points for the short QSOs and mention now and again that
you'll be on the air at the end of the contest if anyone would like to
wind down with a nice chat after it's all said and done....
-- //Steve//
Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
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