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Old March 5th 06, 12:47 AM posted to
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"m II" wrote in message news:xkjOf.9304$Ui.3227@edtnps84...
Caveat Lector wrote:
Shipboard wireless telegraphy was in use to just a few years ago

From URL;
"The era of Morse telegraphy ended in Canada on November 19, 1996, when
radio operator Vern Hillier sent the last Morse code message from the
Canadian Coast Guard Radio station at Ketch Harbour Nova Scotia."

We REAL telegraphers KNOW that you need a 'singing wire' strung on
wooden poles planted in buffalo dung for genuine Morse Code
communication to happen.

CW is NOT Morse Code and is the equivalent of QRM in the hard wired
communication field.

Excuse me now, I have to practice my Western Union splices
again....where are those spurs..


When I was back in Grade 8 just before the Depression, I believe
we twisted some wires to make
the Western Union Short-Tie Splice. k35454.