Thanks for the help Colin and Chris. The BC-457 is working fine. I'll put the
BC-458 on the shelf for now.
Bill Bird
Chesterfield, MO
kg0yj at arrl dot net
Bill Bird wrote:
(trying to get this posted correctly, quite rusty)
I've just gotten my Central Electronics 20-A working nicely on cw into a
dummy load on 3595 KHz using my one crystal. I've got a VFO 457 and VFO
458 that I'm wanting to begin using for my first time. I'm starting
with the 457 and could use some help.
Instead of a 0C3 tube the unit has a 0D3.
Instead of a 1626 tube the unit has a VT135/12J5GT tube.
The second 1629 tube has not been removed (no wire to top cap)
The "Basic Modification of the BC-457, BC-458 or BC-459 as a VFO for
Model 10 or 20 Multiphase Exciter for 12 Volt Operations" states at one
point: "Remove the 1629 eye tube and also the 1625 located near the
tuning shaft, Jumpers should be installed across the filament terminals
of these unused sockets."
I'm guessing having the second 1625 installed without a wire to the top
cap might be just to provide the jumper across the filament terminal for
its socket. I don't know where the 1629 eye tube used to be. I also
wonder why the 0D3 and VT135/12J5GT are installed.
I am thinking this VFO 457 was modified and working many years ago.
This VFO 457 was hooked up to the 20-A when I got both units. Thanks
for your help on the VFO 457 or any comments about the 457 vs the 458
since I will be trying to get both working but focused on the 457 for now.
Bill Bird
Chesterfield, MO