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Old March 6th 06, 12:43 AM posted to
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Default Errors in Wilfred Caron Smith Chart Book

Out of curiosity, what are some examples of error's in Bowick's book? I've
probably passed right by them. Then again, I miss a lot of obvious things.
I slept till 1pm on Sept 11, 2001 -- I had no idea what was going on that


"Paul Burridge" k wrote
in message ...
On Sat, 4 Mar 2006 22:59:52 +0000 (UTC), "Reg Edwards"

Nobody's books or publications are bibles.

Not even Terman's or B.L & E's.

Indeed, Reg.
It's always struck me as rather annoying that there are more errors in
books on electronics than in any other published subject _bar none_ to
my knowledge. I can think of no text book that is entirely error-free
with the _possible_ exception of Art of Electronics.
Most of the errors in radio & electronics tomes are related to
ambiguous authoring, but there is a regrettably large number of
outright errors (examples calculations or fundamental misunderstanding
on the part of the writer) that are utterly poisonous snake oil to the
unwitting and unguided student. Chris Bowick's 'RF Circuit Design'
springs to mind here!