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Old March 7th 06, 12:24 AM posted to
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"Radio TexMex" wrote in message
Lisa Simpson wrote:

Yup. There she blows, bare as a baby's bottom.

- NASA solar physicist David Hathaway explains: "Solar minimum has
arrived." -

So, since that fella said it, I guess its official. This won't stop me

enjoying my hobby, but that damn powerline situtation in the backyard sure
makes it hard.

Happy DX'ing!

- Matt

During the solar minimum period the low bands ( from about 5-6 MHz and
down), including the MW BCB and LF beacons, are at their peak for DXing.
The rest of this winter and next winter will provide the best low band DXing
opportunities until the next solar minimum 11 years from now. Take
advantage of it!