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Old March 7th 06, 12:57 AM posted to
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In article ,
Radio TexMex wrote:

Lisa Simpson wrote:

Yup. There she blows, bare as a baby's bottom.

- NASA solar physicist David Hathaway explains: "Solar minimum has
arrived." -

So, since that fella said it, I guess its official. This won't stop me from
enjoying my hobby, but that damn powerline situtation in the backyard sure
makes it hard.

Happy DX'ing!

This just means that the lower bands will be better than the upper
bands. The international broadcasters change the frequencies they
broadcast on seasonally and yearly based in part on the sun spot count
so it should not affect your listening to a large extent.

They smaller broadcasters are not as flexible though so you might lose
out there during the minimum sun spot years.

Ventura, California