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Old October 27th 03, 10:16 PM
Peter Lemken
Posts: n/a

AA5QT wrote:
My country total on 80 CW is very small, so I plan to do something about
it. I'd like some recommendations on a modestly priced 80 meter DX
antenna. I can build it or buy it.

I plan to put up the antenna atop a five acre piece of land, at about 1200
feet above sea level. There will be no power lines nearby.

Is a vertical a good solution, or would a dipole be better? What about
practical heights for the wire antennas, and should the vertical be
elevated or placed on the ground?

Have you considered the Titanex 160/80/40 m Vertical? With a sufficient number
of radials that should do a good job and give you the one or the other
occasional new one on 160, too.

What is your current antenna?

Peter Lemken

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