Dalek propaganda
On 7 Mar 2006 09:10:45 -0800, N9OGL wrote:
Last time I check All the timelords were dead, from the war between
them and the daleks. I don't need to be a timelord to know about time
travel. your just a time traveling wantabe
That is a false story put out by the original Daleks. When the
TimeLORDs traveled into a time before they were born and disappeared,
the Daleks claimed victory. In reality, the TimeLORDs later traveled
into the Daleks' past and changed it so that the Daleks' existence
branched off into a completely different world line (alternative
universe) than ours. The TimeLORDs have returned to rule our world
line, and the original Daleks (Kaleds) have vanished. The upcoming
2006 BBC episode called "Return of the Daleks" will bring them back
again. At that point, we TimeLORDS will have to return to the past
and make further adjustments to it in order to save the world.
Pray that I don't manipulate your past in such a way that you have to
come out of your basement and earn a living.
-== Lloyd, A TimeLORD ==-