80M antenna question
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October 29th 03, 01:42 PM
Helmut Heindl
Posts: n/a
Hi Gary,
we are using a GAP Voyager DX IV (have a look at there WEB-Page)
with great success. It has only 3 radials and is good on 40+80,
Not too good on 160. I worked Heard Isl. a couple of years ago during
a huge European pileuo without a problem Same with HC8.
In my opinion a fine antenna. The only disadvantage is a vy noisy RX,
but this is also a QTH question. We are in an idustrial area....
Gud luck on 80m.
73 Helmut
On 27 Oct 2003 20:20:47 GMT,
(AA5QT) wrote:
My country total on 80 CW is very small, so I plan to do something about it.
I'd like some recommendations on a modestly priced 80 meter DX antenna. I can
build it or buy it.
I plan to put up the antenna atop a five acre piece of land, at about 1200 feet
above sea level. There will be no power lines nearby.
Is a vertical a good solution, or would a dipole be better? What about
practical heights for the wire antennas, and should the vertical be elevated or
placed on the ground?
Thanks in advance,
Gary K5QT
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