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Old March 8th 06, 09:50 PM posted to
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Default Alignment procedure for S-38

The stator plates are the plates that do not move. I strongly suggest
that you find somebody locally who can guide you around before you
start poking among those voltages.

Steve, W3DEF

Rod wrote:
OK, time to start a new topic. I'm now tryign to align my S-38s and I
have some questions. I have an RF generator and its working fine. Do I
need a VTVM to connect to the speaker pins? Or will any multi-meter
type instrument work? Is it ACV that needs to be measured? Also, the
S-38 alignment instructions says when aligning the 455kc section to
connect the hot lead to the "stator plates of the rear section of the
tuning gang." Now, I know what the tuning gang is, at least I think I
do, but what are the stator plates? Any help on these questions would
sure help out someone who's learned a lot with his first boatanchor
restoration, but needs to know a bit more.
Thanks, Rod