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Old March 9th 06, 01:28 AM posted to
Joe S.
Posts: n/a
Default Looking for RS Pro-89

"Alex Clayton" wrote in message
"Joe S." wrote in message
. ..
Anyone have a decent Pro-89 you would part with?

Would like to have it complete with manual, charger, and the programming
cable and software. Can pay by PayPal

There are a couple for sale on eBay but both are incomplete -- missing
items such as charger, manual, etc.

Send e-mail to: deleted (underscore) 2 at hotmail dot com -- remove the
spaces, insert the _ and the @, etc., etc.


If you really want one, I would buy it on Ebay. The manual can be
downloaded for free in PDF. The charger should be no problem to find or
buy a universal that will work. As long as you can pay with PayPal using a
Credit Card, you can't be ripped off. If someone tries you get your money
back. If you send money to someone on the net, and get burned, you are
just out.
"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.
Moderation is for monks."
[Lazarus Long]

Thanks. The two eBay auctions have a few days to run so I thought I'd see
if anyone has one with all the accessories. If nothing pops up here shortly
I'll put in a snipe bid and see what happens.

Two days after the hurricane my wife and I managed to get into our apartment
and rescue a few pieces of furniture and most of our dishes -- everything
else was a goner -- I did pull out a couple of plastic tubs that held
computer, radio, and camera junk -- the programming software and cable for
my Pro-89 that was drowned may be in that mess -- which we have not yet
opened and sorted out.