My Thanks to roger
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March 9th 06, 05:11 PM posted to alt.test,
Posts: n/a
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
assraped an old underaged friend wrote:
sucked off an old friend wrote:
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
an old friend wrote:
Wrong, you stupid sack of ****.
no using the US Mail to harras people is federal crime
So is using the telephone to do that, Markie. That's why your number
came up on caller I.d.
if that were the case youd have me busted but I am still walking around
soit is proven you lied again
You are rather stupid, aren't you?
Yes, you are. You prove it daily.
yes I porve that I am wlaking around dialy
making you a lying sack of ****
you are for repating the same worn out lie
It's not a lie when you demonstrate it's truth daily.
"more of ms Morgan's stupidity"
iyour words
it isn't My stupidity that you can tell boys from girls
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