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Old March 9th 06, 06:51 PM posted to,
Bob Bob
Posts: n/a
Default This would be like giving ham radio service a much needed enema.

Should I jump in and make a comment? Why not!

I think you are unrealistic in thinking that legislated changes are any
help in "cleaning up" the ARS generally. In my view the exam system isnt
an entry requirement for the "club" but to satisfy those in government
circles that you are technically competent enough to run a station in a
safe and non invasive manner.. And thats all!

By invoking the changes you are suggesting you are defining what you
(and maybe others) think the ARS is all about. Not everyone will use the
HOBBY in the way you think is correct. There are for example those that
simply experiment with RF design and practice and dont talk so much to
other human beings. For that they only need to be technically competent.
They dont however need morse qualifications or to a degree
re-examination. If you are smart enough to pass the test for competency
reasons first time you should be ethical enough to keep that knowledge
where you can relearn it as needed. Learning is a continual process and
refreshing what has been learnt is a normal thing to do. By invoking
more rules you have told everyone you dont trust them to remain
competent. I am sure many can think of a colourful response to that!

You may reduce the numbers of "dreg" operators by your "rules". You'll
also kill the hobby for other "good" people that you want. I of course
hear that argument coming about "if you want to use the ARS you have to
go out and learn morse and a whole lot of other (useless) stuff". Its
the same (stupid) level as you need to know the physics of rubber
construction so you can inflate your car tire to the correct pressure...


Slow Code wrote:
Step 1: No more automatic renewals. Individuals must retest and
pass all elements required for their license class every ten

Step 2: The passing score for written exams needs to be raised to 85%.

Step 3: Code elements should be 13 wpm for General, and 20 wpm for Extra.

Step 4: Make the no-code license one year non-renewable.