Perhaps you could narrow the search a bit:
radio telephone, beacons, aeronautical, navigation, navy, military etc.
There are many different categories to explore, such as coast guard rescue
operations, automated weather stations, marine radiotelephone (WNO New
Orleans used to have a station even I could hear up here in washington s).
Coast guard communication area master stations are quite powerful (CAMSPAC
Pt. Reyes California and CAMSLANT Chesapeake are two I know of). Then there
are the numbers stations and communications of various covert military and
government agencies. GHFS (Global High Frequency System)is not covert but
they use coded messages to communicate with air force aircraft world wide.
I'm sure many who post here could enlarge on these categories
All life all holiness come from you O Lord
"waituke" wrote in message
Join WUN its an excellent site for utility freqs
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 17:36:52 GMT, "Roger"
Does anybody know where I could obtain a frequency list for utilitiy
stations please.
I have tried using google, but not any luck as yet, there are thousands of
pages on there :-)