Buying a Sony ICF SW7600GR radio from a seller on Ebay in the US.
BTW Before anyone says anything I do realize that I could have
prevented these
excessive charges by simply not dealing with this seller.
I bid $129 on a Sony ICF SW7600GR radio from a seller on Ebay.
The seller charged me $41 shipping. (I priced return
shipping via UPS, it is
The seller advertised shipping to Canada by Fed Ex. When asked
to ship by US Post Office
(because the brokerage fee is only $4.30) he failed to respond
and shipped the
item via UPS??.
When the package arrived I was faced with an additional $33.62
brokerage fee
from UPS for having collected $18.89 tax on the goods and $2.36
tax on the
tax ( total $54.87 )
My total cost was $224.87
Had I chosen a different seller my cost could have been $168.48
You live and learn. (or) A fool and his money are soon parted.