What does it mean to be a _REAL_ Radio Ham? The FAQ is here!
know code wrote:
Bill Turner wrote:
What does it mean to be a real radio ham?
It means you have a real ham license. Anything else, including
the rest
of your post, is just one person's opinion, period.
Ah, but define a 'real ham license'. A lot of people in the UK think
the M3/Foundation licence is NOT a real ham licence! Herein lies the
In this context, it doesn't matter what individuals think. What matters
is what the gummint says. If they call it an "Amateur Radio License" or
the equivalent, that's what it is. IF they call it a "Citizen's Band
License" or the equivalent, that's also what it is.
What you or I make of those is important to us but irrelevant to the
original question.
Bill T.