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Old March 12th 06, 07:23 AM posted to,,
Plod's Conscience
Posts: n/a
Default What does it mean to be a _REAL_ Radio Ham? The FAQ is here!

Do you really think that after your personal outbursts
directed at me, including your opening paragraph below, that
I regard you as a serious debater?

Bob Bob wrote:
We'll um if that document (after "So What is Ham Radio") was the entire
FAQ that you published you only dedicated the first few paragraphs to
what AR is about. The rest seems to be more dedicated to what it isnt
and what CB is/isnt. True, it contains some more positive references to
AR but you keep needling at CB etc excessively. As far as I am concerned
it would have been far more meaningful to omit any reference to CB
whatsoever. I suggest you rewrite it like this, post it and see what we

I dont disagree with your first parts. It is well written even if it is
what I deem a too narrow view as to what AR is about. The bit about
being gentlemanly is irrelevent to me simply because I was never bought
up or lived in a class atmosphere where that term had any importance.
This however is probably a language difference as I might ascribe
possibly similar qualities to AR people in general. (eg willing to help,
never being violent etc) Of course these qualities are dissappearing in
the world generally so I suggest AR is tending to go the same way. I
also take your section on competition being something that spurs us all
on to bigger and better things as being a load of tripe. It is true that
competition occurs, but I and many others I have talked to never see it
as important at all. It is in fact the "leisure and social" side showing
through along the same lines as getting excited over a football match! I
experiment becasue I am interested in it, not because I want to be
better than everyone.

If I was a CB'er I'd take your FAQ as a slap in the face and it would
drive me not to even think about taking up the AR hobby. Perhaps that is
your agenda?


Plod's Conscience wrote:

I think it is you who is, perhaps, analysing this thread
with a limited purview, and who is in the wrong.