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Old March 14th 06, 01:48 AM posted to
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a
Default Leila on hiivainfektiosta kärsivä keski-ikäinen opettaja

Wiseman's new "Billy Smith" sock puppet wrote:

I wonder if that Finnish...

I wonder if Roger Wiseman could ever work up the courage to ask her
himself without being on the far side of a locked door?

The poor thing only works on commission with Kaufmann's paying
part of it and the Cosmetics company paying the oither half.

You almost got it correct. Do you spend most of your non-internet time
monitoring (but not talking on) the local repeaters?

Don't forget the other revealing gems you've come up with: I worked at
Sears in high school and my car is yellow. *snicker*

Must be because the Finnish educational system encouraged them
to be sheepish and kissing that Soviet ass all those years.

What would you know of it and how are you concerned?

This message was sent via two or more anonymous remailing services.

Was it ever! Roger Wiseman can't afford to post as himself.

Your internet translator Finnish could use some work. You just can't
run two words together and "opettaja" is school teacher or schoolmaster.
It wasn't even a good try, you pathetic lump of defective carbon.

Oddly enough, I've still received no notification of any trespassing
charges, nor has my wife's place of employment received any letter.
You're a blowhard, Wiseman.

Who's holding the bet on whether you're a danger to anyone (other than

Take the lithium.

Dave K8MN