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Old November 25th 03, 03:46 PM
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Donn Sinclair wrote:
Anybody have QSL Route/Address for T32TF? 73.

From the SM3CER site:
"EAST KIRIBATI - T32WW, T32MP, T32KV, T32ZA, T32ZM, T32N, T32YL and T32TF
from Christmas Island by N2WW (T32WW, QSL via N0KV), K0MP (T32MP, QSL via
N0KV), N0KV (T32KV, QSL hc), W0ZA (T32ZA, QSL hc), N0ZM (T32ZM, QSL hc),
NO0T (T32N, QSL hc), N0WBV (T32YL, QSL via KT0F) and KT0F (T32TF, QSL hc)
on all bands including CQ WW DX CW Contest as T32WW."

I was complaining to my wife about not hearing any new
ones, much less working any, until I heard T32KV on 20
meter phone Sunday night. (And doing a GREAT job of working
the pileup.) Wasn't sure if T32 was a new one for me until
I logged it--sure put a new spin on the weekend for me! ;-)
One of their group was handing out a bunch of QSOs on 15-m
RTTY last night, too.

Ken Kuzenski AC4RD kuzen001 at acpub .duke .edu
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