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Old March 15th 06, 08:04 AM posted to
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Default 4CX250B 2m linear circuit? (Class C ideally!)

Hi Samuel and all

I'm trying to find a good circuit for a Class C 4CX250B linear.

*cough* *cough* *choke*

A Class C is *not* linear.

I think the usage of "linear" for "an external amplifier to boost
the power going to the antenna" comes from the CB crowd, who *do*
need a linear amplifier (for SSB).

OK, you want to boost FM, and for that you can use Class C. The
only ARRL Handbook I have here (1992, I'm not counting the '48 :-)
has two very similar schematics, one for a 3CX800 and the other
for a 3CX1500, but I do seem to recall that a different edition had
a 4CX250 schematic. Or maybe it's the RSGB handbook.

I've found a few for multiple valves in Class A, but I'm after just a
simple circuit that shows a 4CX250B linear for 2m with Class C

Don't search for "linear", search for "amplifier" :-)