focus group question for new products
I find that boxes are generally too expensive, and rarely the right size.
Generally, I want a box for the desk, so it typically could stand to be
fairly deep -- say 7-10 inches. I also want it wide enough for a few
controls and an LCD, so maybe again, 7-10 inches. The height generally
seems to be the problem. It seems like boxes are either an inch and a half
high, so you can't get a display in there, or 5 inches, way taller than
necessary. I would think that 2.5-3" high boxes would be awfully handy, but
they seem rare.
And of course, they tend to be horribly expensive.
Card guides inside would be nice.
Aluminum would be nice so that it is easy to machine. Although in reality,
some sort of lined plastic might be better.
Thick enough to be strong, but thin enough that it doesn't weigh a ton --
plus, a thick panel looks junky in front of a display.
Powder coated would be nice, but at least some reasonably clean finish so I
don't have a ton of work to do before painting.
I often use plastic boxes with a removeable, flat panel. I can replace the
panel with plexiglas, so that instead of trying to make a square hole for
the display, I can simply mask off a square hole. As an added bonus, my
labels are protected by the plexi. Unfortunately, these kinds of boxes
aren't RF tight. In an ideal world, I would have that sort of box, sprayed
on the inside with RF proof paint, and with an insert I could place behind
the display to make the front RF tight too, while still allowing for the
display. Pipe dreams I guess.
wrote in message
If I could build a high quality rf-tight small enclosure for dc-30 Mhz
at low to moderate cost, what would you need?
The Eternal Squire