Hey Rev,
Not to sway off topic too much, but I stopped in on your signature website
and I'm curious....
After I sign up for the free ordainment as a minister, what exactly is
required for the bestowal of one of
your promotion titles listed; Druid, Friar, and most especially, Wizard??
Is Wizardry a separate class I'll have to take, or is that something I'll
have to prove powers of?
I'm pretty good at chemistry; do you think that will help?
"Phantom" wrote in message
i basically have a room full of stuff and a closet full. I won't know what
i got till i start sorting, but will be along the lines of two-way and CB
equipment, Audio Equipment, Sattelite Equipment, Meters, Parts, Optics,
VCR's, Tape Decks, AM/FM Receivers. Project boxes, Etc.
Thank You,
Rev. Robert P. Chrysafis
Universal Life Church (ULC)
Moderator HunterdonFree