Enigma machine kits,Transceivers and more.
an_old_friend wrote:
clifto wrote:
helmsman wrote:
Do you happen to know if there is software for a virtual Enigma for
computer to radio interface? I don't think it would violate FCC rules
if it was used as they have the code.
I suspect it'll violate the rules, if only because they don't have your key.
if you tranmitted a intro saying (i'll use my call" this KB9RQZ
tranmiting enigma code 4 rotor with the folow setiings ..." it should
just stay within the law as well being reasonable secertif tat was your
I doubt it. It's not all that many years ago that FCC prohibited
ASCII use on the air, because it's a code. But it's your license.
Besides, they hardly ever prosecute anyway.
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