The Israeli Lobby - EXPOSED !!
March 17, 2006 -Two college professors, one from
Harvard and one from the University of Chicago, put
in the time and effort to create a report about
the Israeli lobby in America which is something that
I have wanted to do for quite some time. But theirs
is everything I could've hoped for and more.
It is VERY well-documented, well-written, and it explains
just about everything (oddly, there's nothing about the
USS Liberty in it) that I have tried to explain
Iraq, Palestine, Neoconservatives - how all of it ties together
can be found in this report entitled "The Israel Lobby
and U.S. Foreign Policy". A condensed version can be
found here at the London Review of Books.
And the full PDF file of this study can be
found here on the Harvard University Press
servers. (.PDF Format, right click to save)$File/rwp_06_011_walt.pdf
This is something that every American citizen should read.
And this is no conspiracy theory. If you only knew how
much I wish that it was all just one big conspiracy theory.
The Israeli lobby counts on your ignorance
These are the people who wield the most influence over
our government's foreign policy in the Middle East.
And it's because YOU, ME and the rest of the American
public have refused to stand up and be counted.
The Israeli lobby has filled this void because they know
that you are not paying attention. They also know that
you, being good complacent American sheep, are not
likely to go rooting around for the answers to this entire
ME puzzle. This lobby counts on your ignorance.
AND IT HAS COST US DEARLY, and it likely
WILL AGAIN. Now, nobody's expecting you to
don a kaffiyeh and sing allah's praises, or join hands
in a rendition of Kumbaya. But for chrissakes
people, 'SNAP OUT OF IT!' (Olympia Dukakis
to Cher, 'Moonstruck'). This next (neocon)
war (Iran), may be the deadliest and costliest yet.
What do you suppose George Washington would
do if he were alive today? Would he not raise
his voice, would he not STAND UP FOR JUSTICE?