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Old March 19th 06, 03:42 PM posted to,,
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Default introducing radio*active*

BearCave wrote:

*radio*active is a new "blogging" report.

In my next post, I'll also explain what my objectives are for this new

While this report's name is far from original, the theme of this report
is appropriate because it really is all about "taking action".

As the owner of my own small network of radio licences (more about this
later), I'm motivated to write this report from "a manager's

Authors Sam Deep and Lyle Sussman give us their spin on what the "act"
in the word "active" means:

A - Analyse your situation
C - Choose the best strategy and then
T - Track your choice


Something that underpins a capacity to furfill the requirements of "the
ACT process" described above is to have ready-made, an "information

Currently in Tafe Studies, I'm learning about "Marketing Information
Systems", which underpin a capacity to conduct a marketing research
process - the "relationship between information and decision-making" in

In the context of radio broadcasting, setting up an "Information
System" is likely to assist a radio station in the furfillment of
production, sales and marketing functions.

The type of information gathered will impact on the quality of the
decisions made - effectively, how "active" a radio station is in
achieving objectives.

Decisions based on information that's gathered and conveyed in an
"Information System" will range from the strategic (eg: directing a
format) to the tactical (having a street promotions crew).

As my 2006 marketing text explains:

No matter what the nature of the decision (to take *action*), managers require information to maximise the probabilty that their decsions are the right decisions


In order to gather together the required information for building my
own radio station "information system", this series will first examine
the biggest radio broadcasting market in the world - The United States
of America.

This early segment of this blog will be called radio*active*USA.

A trip through several North American markets is how this report will
take first steps in the process of getting a radio station to be

More as the week progresses.

....From Justin

[1] Act on it!, Deep, Sam and Sussman, Lyle. 2000 Perseus Publishing
[2] Marketing, A Strategic Approach. Kiel, GC and Mc-Coll Kennedy,
JR. 2000 Nelson Thompson Learning,