Custom squelch level for priority channel?
On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 09:27:00 -0600, Bo Williams
Are there any handheld scanners that do this? I'd like to be able to
set a priority channel for our baby monitor, but I want much tighter
squelch on it than when I'm doing general scanning (such that priority
channel breaks squelch only when there's voice present, for example).
Squelch has nothing to do with voice - it's based on carrier level. No
matter how tight you set the squelch, you'll have one of two
conditions - either the scanner stops at the frequency every scan or
it never stops at it, depending on the signal strength needed to open
that squelch setting and the strength of the monitor signal.
You want a baby monitor transmitter with VOX - it only transmits if
there's voice (or other noise). That's probably something you'd have
to do yourself - modify an existing monitor transmitter.